The St. Louis Reconciliation Network (STLRN) formally launched in September 2012. Our mission is to heal the broken race relations of the St. Louis region by harnessing the potential collective power of its diverse faith communities. STLRN came about from the passion of our founder Dave Gustafson (pictured at left) who has had a desire to see unity in our city since he first moved to St. Louis in the 80's. Our fundamental hypothesis is that God has the power to overcome bigotry and bring racial reconciliation, renewal and revival to the entire St. Louis region. Our first major event was the St. Louis Celebration of the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. We are now focused on offering training for churches and we host the annual Race for Reconciliation.
Brandon Wilkes (pictured at right) is the co-pastor of Peoples Church STL and serves as the Executive Director of STLRN.